
Cinnamon & Clove

Body & Health

Cinnamon & Clove artisan soap, skincare and bath and body products are lovingly crafted by hand for one simple reason. To brighten your day and clean you up with a sunray of happiness. Whether it's with exotic natural soap bars, bath soaks or body butters, you can sprinkle Mother-Earth-approved joy into those mundane daily routines.

Stripping back to the clean, slow way of life, Cinnamon & Clove goodies are made from simple, all-natural ingredients - all the goodness, zero nasties. With Mother Nature's help, using her stunning array of colours, botanicals and kindness in their creations. Sourced from fair trade and organic suppliers wherever possible, all products are all palm oil free, with no synthetic colours, fragrances or preservatives.

Beautifully handmade in small batches, Cinnamon & Clove's artisan soaps take you to a magical place. With all of nature's goodness, from organic coconut oil to fair trade cacao butter, it's a pick-me-up treat that your skin will love.